Wooden Deck Oiling and Maintenance
harsh rainforest environment
This deck was in a wet rainforest environment, over rock with permanent water flowing under the deck.
A variety of eucalyptus trees shade the deck,
littering leaves, extract, gum, seeds and bird
droppings every day.
The wooden deck was dirty and faded due to this environmental exposure.
We followed our 2 stage timber preparation system to clean and restore the deck.
First we applied Equisol Prime and power-washed the timber to remove extensive grime and bird droppings from overhanging gum trees. Then we applied Equisol Vitalise to remove the old colour and brighten the timber.
We lightly sanded the surface to smooth timber fibres lifted by power washing.
Once the deck was cleaned and sanded, it was ready for re-oiling.
restored deck after oiling and maintenance
We applied two coats of Equisol Pro 365 to the clean and sanded deck.
The owner of the deck was very happy with how the restored deck looked aesthetically after 12 months of exposure to constant water, sap, leaf litter and bird droppings.